On “Soma” Windhand´s debut full length for Relapse Records, doom is syrupy slow, downtuned, hooky and anthemic.  Propelled by singer Dorthia Cottrell’s beautifully haunting bellow, WINDHAND’s dual guitar attack sounds like the glorious misfit offspring of Black Sabbath and Nirvana.

“Soma” ended up on numerous Best Of 2013 lists and is considered one of Doom Metal´s gateway albums to a wider audience.


For the most part, Sabbathian doom bands stand out by only writing great songs because sonically it’s damn near impossible to seperate yourself from the overcrowded genre. But there is something about Richmond’s Windhand that makes them even more drugged-out and exceptional. The riffs sound like normal doom, but trapped in a mass of dark forest limbs, trying to hack their way towards the light while singer Dorthia Cottrell appears as a gloomy specter, wailing forlornly through the mire. It’s massive, addictive destruction. Yeah, these fuckers are gonna be huge.”
Decibel Magazine



Merging doom, psychedelic sludge, grind, black metal and mighty mighty riffs to create a sound wholly their own, Inter Arma deliver their Relapse debut ‘Sky Burial’.


Emerging from the ever-fertile metal breeding grounds of Richmond, Virginia, Inter Arma have spent the last few years touring relentlessly, perfecting a hypnotically punishing live show. ‘Sky Burial’ brings that focus onto record, and what a record it is. Truly heavy in all senses of the word, ‘Sky Burial’ is a spiritually intense journey through the halls of extreme metal. INTER ARMA have made a decisively loud proclamation with ‘Sky Burial’—this is a band that could very well be the next crown-holder in a regal line of iconic Relapse bands.





Featuring members that have been involved in such notable bands as Grief (guitarist Jeff Hayward), Disrupt, and Filth of Mankind (guitarist/vocalist Milosz Gassan), Morne surprise audiences with a vast expansion on their massive and unbelievably heavy sound canvas that had already helped define their sound.


Emerging from the crust/hardcore scene upon their inception in 2005, Morne’s sound would become synonymous with that of old-school Neurosis (“Souls At Zero”, ”Enemy of the Sun”, ”Through Silver In Blood” era) while also incorporating influences by the likes of such bands as Bolt Thrower, Tragedy, Swans, Pink Floyd, and Joy Division.



Arena Vienna / Dreiraum / adv 10 € / doors 13 € / 20.00h

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